PLEASE READ this registration information carefully paying attention to the MANDATORY requirements. In previous years we have players and parents disappointed that they lost their roster spot because they failed to read and complete the mandatory requirements. Please don't allow yourself to be that player or parent. READ CAREFULLY.
Once you have completed the online portion of our registration process you will receive a receipt with information for the season. Additional paperwork will need to be completed prior to camp on August 1st, 2025, or your player will not take the field. Information for these forms will be distributed to you soon. You must register first to receive the paperwork.
Registration Instructions for Football and Cheer
All players/cheerleaders will need to create an account prior to completing their first registration within the system. Click on the Register button on the top right hand corner of this website to start your registration.
Please Note: Your player/cheerleader's ONLINE registration is not submitted until you receive a registration receipt via email from us. Creating an account or simply logging onto the registration system does not register your player/cheerleader. If you intend to register your child to play football or cheer this year, you must proceed through all screens.
Returning Veteran Players
All veterans are required to register within two weeks post the opening day of registration to retain their veteran status and a place on their respective team. After this date we will forfeit their veteran status and all remaining roster spots will open to the public.
MANDATORY Spring Parents Orientation/Clinic
Each year the Broncos hold an in-person Parents Clinic to discuss the Bronco values, expectations and team bonding. You will hear information on our Safety protocols, parent/player expectations and much more. This clinic is MANDATORY and you must attend in order to receive your equipment. Date and time to be announced shortly.
Parent Volunteer Requirements
We are a 100% volunteer run organization. Unlike other sport organizations of Marin, we all do not get paid.
We recognize the importance to build and strengthen our Bronco community thru our board members, coaches, parents, players, and cheerleaders. Volunteering accounts for everything necessary to play football – some examples are organizing registration, fields, coaching, supporting games (Minimum Player Requirements, down markers, Player Safety Champion), ticket sales at the entrance, field clean up, etc.
Without the support of everybody, we can not operate effectively.
As a member of SMB you are required to complete several academic, health, and registration forms. We will forward any forms we need from you after you complete your registration. These forms are required to be submitted prior to equipment distribution. No equipment will be distributed without complete paperwork. All paperwork, other than the player's scholastic report card is due by July 1. If any paperwork is missing as of July 1, you will jeopardize your registration / roster spot.
We anticipate requiring 4 documents from you to get your player/cheerleader on the field:
1. STANDARD PLAYER CONTRACT - Player contract filled out completely, signed, dated (2025) with no errors. The emergency contact cannot be same person as parent/guardian.
2. PHYSICAL FITNESS FORM - Parent Page signed by parent/guardian. Physician Portion of form MUST be signed and dated in 2025 with no reference to 2024 with the physician stamp AND the address info clearly written, signed and dated.
3. PROOF OF AGE - We are required to provide an "original" birth certificate or passport. The name on the birth certificate must match the name on the player contract, exactly (with the exception that the middle name is not required).
4. 2024-'25 COMPLETE REPORT CARD - PLEASE SEND BEFORE JULY 1ST. School name must appear on the letterhead.
Here are additional guidelines to help us avoid problems we have run into in the past
- There can be no major corrections on your paper work - no white out on ANY forms. You cannot have an error on your player contract or the parent portion of the medical form. If you have questions, please email our Registrar at [email protected].
- The contract must be signed by both parent/guardian and player, cheerleader and must be the 2025 form.
- The name on the birth certificate must match the name on the player contract, exactly (with the exception that the middle name is not required).
- The doctor forms cannot have the prior year date on it anywhere (MUST BE 2025). The form must be filled out and dated by a doctor in the current year.
- Your help and promptness is very much appreciated!! We are a 100% volunteer organization and this can be a cumbersome process. Please follow these instructions. The faster we get your paperwork, the faster we can verify that it is accurate and the sooner we can get a correction from you if it is not.